Recently I have read A philosophy of Software Design, and was thinking about putting on some referral links on this blog for people to buy it and make some money.

Now the book, for someone who has read Clean code, might appear, at least in some parts, controversial. And going through the Amazon’s reviews of the book, I found what I was expecting. Some one star reviews saying the book has some controversial point of views.

I wish this age of Absolutism would end, where things are either good or bad, 0 or 1.

I think the book has some controverial point of views, but I kinda loved it, because over-all it gave me the ability to match my existing ideas with some new concepts. I loved their ideas to try to create good defaults, to don’t have shallow modules, I loved the idea of trying to aggregate errors, to recover without flooding client code with errors.

I doubt something is absolutely wrong or absolutely right, that’s why sometimes I am just so so much frustrated when people read something, but only to find confirmation of their existing ideas. Our mind can be a cage.

Anyway, I will go to deeper details about some of the interesting stuff in the book in later posts.