I’ve had a problem for a while with Markdown previews and HTML rendered stuff in general on intellij on linux, they would just crash. I’ve had a look at intellij youtrack and found a solution which works for me, so I am going to post it with a bit of what I’ve understood about the reasons.

Apparently distributions prevent execution bits to be set on the program which IntelliJ uses to generate previes, the solution is as simple as setting the execution bit on those programs

Simply run chmod +x /absolute/path/to/ide/jbr/lib/{jspawnhelper,jcef_helper,chrome-sandbox,jexec} And it will do the trick, at least for me.

Some users didn’t solve it with this and had to disable jcef rendering from (idea64|phpstorm|clion|whatever).vmoptions by adding -Dide.browser.jcef.enabled=false

I hope I saved you some time by having to crawl around youtrack, bye bye